
0 Years of Excellence

Kingswood College was founded by Louis Edmund Blaze,as a boys' high school. The school started with only 11 students. The first few years of the school's existence were a struggle for Blaze. During that time, most schools on the island had been classified as state‑aided government schools. But during that time the government grants were available until a school showed itself established, with a solid core of able teachers and an expanding roll, but institutions run by individuals did not qualify for government assistance.


2022 වර්ෂය සදහා නවක කිංස්වුඩ් මහත්වරුන්ෙග් පැමිණීම 2022.04.19 වන අගහරුවාදා දින සිදු ෙකෙර්.

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